Got any questions?

Frequently asked questions

When will Xamarin support end?

Xamarin support will end on May 1, 2024, for all Xamarin SDKs. Android 13 and Xcode 14 SDKs (iOS and iPadOS 16, macOS 13) will be the final versions that Xamarin will target.

What does it mean that Xamarin will not be supported?

This means that Microsoft will no longer provide fixes, updates, or technical assistance. In this scenario, your app may experience performance problems and become vulnerable due to the lack of security updates.

Is it only Microsoft that will stop the support?

Along with Microsoft, third-party frameworks will no longer support Xamarin.

What’s included in the license?

Access to all Grial UI content as defined per the license tier you purchased. Within the first 12 months, you also get product updates (new features and fixes) and technical support (when included in the plan). 

Grial UI Kit licenses are perpetual. Renew them to get access to updates and support. 

Do I get the screens’ XAML source code?

Yes! You get the XAML code for all the screens and templates included on your Grial UI Kit licensing plan.

Can you customize my Grial UI Kit for me?

Yes, we offer custom design and development services. From existing apps redesign to completely new designs, we cover it all. See more here.

How many licenses do I need?

You need 1 license per app. One app means one cross-platform app targeting all supported devices needed. If your team is planning to build more than one app using Grial UI Kit we encourage you to take advantage of our volume discounts on the Pro Bundle tier.

Do I need a license per developer?

No, you need 1 license per cross-platform application, no matter how many devs work on the app.

Do I have to pay annual licensing renewals?

No, Grial UI Kit license is perpetual, you are allowed to use the product after the one-year-subscription ends.

Is Grial Licensing Model perpetual?

Yes, license is perpetual. Renewals are for bug fixing, support and content updates.

Do I need to pay a new license per target platform?

No, Grial license is app-based. It doesn’t matter whether your app targets Android, iOS or both, you won’t need to pay a single license per app.

Can I upgrade my license from Starter to Pro, or from Pro to Pro Bundle?

Yes, you can upgrade your license by paying the difference between the license you have and the one you want to purchase.

Is there a Grial UI Kit free trial?

There’s not an open trial of the Grial UI Kit product. You can register here and access a Grial UI Kit limited trial upon approval.

Do you offer discounts to educational and non-profit organizations?

We offer a 10% discount to educational and non-profit organizations, provided that the license is purchased directly from We will ask for a document or confirmation email that clearly indicates that you are a member of the respective institution.

How do I get in touch with Grial UI Kit support?

Once you purchase Grial UI Kit you’ll have free access to our ticketing system for the first 12 months. Support coverage can be renewed annually. 

Contact us to discuss your specific needs at

What happens to the dedicated support after the one-year subscription expires?

For uninterrupted technical support service, you need to renew the support subscription. 

Early Support Renewal - 20% of total license value

Late Support Renewal - 40% of total license value

Welcome Back Renewal - 60% of total license value

Note: In the case of Pro Bundle renewals, the % is calculated based on the value of the standard 3-license Pro Bundle package.

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